One way to grow your email marketing list is to offer an incentive for signing up, such as access to a marketing guide or magazine. If you use Infusionsoft, you can now easily and automatically send a secure download link to any file right after they sign up. Learn how by following these steps:
Step 1: Create a campaign and subscription form in Infusionsoft
First, you’ll need to create a Campaign and subscription form. To do this, log in to Infusionsoft, click on the logo in the top-left corner, and then, under Marketing, select Campaign Builder.
Then click on Add a Campaign on the right side of the screen.
On the next page, click on Goals in the right-side menu, then drag the Sign up for newsletter icon into your editing palette. Double-click on the icon.
You’ll now be able to customize your sign up form. To add fields, simply drag and drop them into your form. You can customize fields by hovering over them and clicking on the edit icon.
When you are happy with your form, move over to the Thank-You Page tab and then customize it to your liking. When you’ve completed this, switch your form from Draft to Ready in the top-right of your screen.
Now move on to the Code tab and copy the form’s code to embed in your website. You can also link to a page that’s hosted by Infusionsoft if you don’t want to deal with the code, but I recommend embedding it on your website because it will look nicer and feel more consistent to your subscribers.
Place the code or link in your website, then click Back to Campaign in the top-left corner.
Step 2: Create a download link to your file with Digioh
Now that you’ve set up your form, you’ll need to set up your document. Sign up for Digioh, a service that allows you to send, track, and protect files for your Infusionsoft subscribers.
Once you have a Digioh account, connect it to your Infusionsoft account and Add a File.
After your file has uploaded, copy the link and go back to your Dashboard.
We’ll now update the Security for your document.
After clicking on the Security button, you’ll see a few options in the drop-down list List Grower Security (a person can sign up to view the document), Membership Security (the person must already be on your list to view it), or No Security. Since we want sign ups in this case, choose your list from List Grower Security. This way, if anyone forwards the link to your document, they’ll be prompted to join your list.
Save your settings and head back to Infusionsoft.
Step 3: Paste your Digioh download link in the Infusionsoft Response Email
You’re now ready to set up a response email and paste your document link in it. Back in your editing palette add a Sequence from the right-side menu. Connect the newsletter to the sequence via the green arrow that appears when hovering over the newsletter icon.
Double-click on the Sequence and then drag out the Email icon. Double-click on the Email.
Here you can customize your response email and insert your Digioh download link where it fits best in your message.
When you’re finished customizing, switch your email from Draft to Ready in the top-right corner, then navigate back to the editing palette of your campaign. In the top-right corner here, click Publish.
All that’s left to do now is to test your set up! Use your form to subscribe yourself and see if your response email and download links are working correctly.
I just started using Infusionsoft and set up a response email to send out a welcome note with a link to one of my articles. Just wanted to say thanks for the help.
Awesome- glad to be of help!